Gerry Lopez Squirty Red 6 ft 4 inches Gerry Lopez Squirty Red 6 ft 4 inches
4 stars - "Review for Gerry Lopez Squirty Red 6 ft 4 inches" This Gerry Lopez Squirty Red 6 ft 4 inches is the best Fish Funboards I have tried.
  • Gerry Lopez Squirty Red 6 ft 4 inches - Image 1
  • Gerry Lopez Squirty Red 6 ft 4 inches - Image 1
Gerry Lopez

Gerry Lopez Squirty Red 6 ft 4 inches

Product ID: 566509
Brand: Gerry Lopez
From: $1,149.00 AUD

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The Squirty / Fusion-Poly is a balance between paddling and maneuverability, the Yin and Yang of surfboard design. Can't do much surfing if you're not catching the waves. But, at the same time, you still want to rip when you are up and riding. Low entry rocker with a slightly rolled bottom going into a single concave and finishing to a double concave with a user friendly tail lift, makes the Squirty loose and fast. 

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